This is a journal of my journey to the 2012 London Olympics. The highs, the lows, the good times, the bad times, the fast times and the not so fast (slow) times. The new challenges that lay ahead and the people around me during those times are the enjoyable things I look forward to.
Hey Duncan,
I'm going to be cheering you on! Thanks for posting your journey on the web. I'm eager to see how we do!
Dave Baldwin
Hey Duncs,
CONGRATS on a fantastic heat. We're cheering for you and Drew here in Melbourne and can't wait to see more of it!!
Duncan! Best of luck to you & Drew! I've been on email with Belinda, and she'll bring you my official well wishes with her, but I'm psyched to be able to keep track of you on this blog, and wanted to make sure you knew that you've got friends in the US rooting for you!
Kristi Ferguson
Newburyport, MA USA
Hello Duncan
Great Heat row .... Linda and I hope and pray that you have better and better rows as the regatta progresses. We look forward to seeing you and Drew move to the front and stay there!
Kindest regards,
Islay and Linda
Hi Duncan,
Awsome heat. We were cheering you on at home.
Can't wait for tonights semi.
Greg has some pearls of wisdom for you "DON'T EVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP" but I am sure you know that one already haha.
Well all the best for your semi tonight.
It's been great fun reading your blog site.
Send our love to Belinda.
Love Alison, Greg, Emma and Brittany xxxx
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